
Customize your sticks with a signature!
We use finest hickory sticks made in Germany for your Custom Sticks!
(Custom stick sizes availlable on request for orders 50+)
Please choose your stick size (5A is default, 5B is thicker, 2B even thicker, 7A lighter version). The Setup Fee is obligatory and can only be waived on repeated orders, as long as the original submited artwork did not change.
Template for your Stick Design
For your own signature stick you can upload your own graphic, but you can also download our template and insert your graphic. Below are a few examples of how this can look. For best results, the template should be monochrome without grayscale, and not too detailed.

Maximum dimensions for the graphic are 120x15mm at 300dpi
Design Templates
Download the template by clicking on the image / save as.
The image can then be customized with an editor such as Photoshop.
Do not have such software on your computer? No problem, you can use this online editor for free:
Perfect Band Merch!
No minimum required- we print your sticks even when you only need a single pair, as for the perfect gift for a drummer!
We only use hand selected hickory wood, carefully machined, with minimum tolerances for our made in germany custom sticks.
For your own version, chose your desired model, and send us the text that should be on the sticks or upload a file
(size up to 30x110mm / 1,2×4″, 300dpi or higher, 2mb max., .jpg, .gif, .tif, .pdf, .svg file format only, monocolor.)
Make sure your design is black on white. All prints will be single color.
Availlable in 5A, 7A and 5B. Contact us for custom sizes and larger numbers <30 pairs and further options:
pohlemike –
5 von 5 Sternen! Hickory-Sticks wie sie sein sollten! Super stabil, ausgewogen und mit dem „richtigen“ Gewicht müssen sich diese Sticks vor den großen Marken keineswegs verstecken. Sie halten einer härteren Spielweise super gut stand und liegen extrem gut in der Hand. Mit dem Customlogo für einen wirklich fairen Preis hat man ein schönes Andenken für seine Fans. Die leichte Vertiefung die der Laser hinterlässt spürt man beim Spielen kaum und ist vermutlich langlebiger als ein reiner Aufdruck… Meine ganz klare Empfehlung! Mike P. von MAAMUUT
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